In order to implement the strategic management of Sustainability in all of your Company's processes, we do integrate our ES Index® based services with a range of support services:
Exsulting's extensive international network of partners allows us to provide you with different services through a single point of contact, to facilitate the task of your management.
By choice, we provide only unique and customized solutions.
Therefore we are ready to identify with you what your needs are within our areas of expertise, to understand together if and how we can help you in the best way.
ExSulting is fundamentally a Company devoted to help and Support other Companies pursue and achieve Sustainability of their operations, using the Circular Economy paradigm to enhance their positive outcomes on the Economic, Social and Environmental dimensions, while reducing their negative ones. Since we believe that Sustainability is mostly a Leadership challenge, we integrate our typical services, The Embedded Sustainability Index program and the CASE® Method, with a wider array of tools like, for instance:
ExSulting’s worldwide network of partnerships makes us capable of providing you with different services through one and only interlocutor, which facilitates the task of your executive and management team. Since we consider every one of our clients to be different from any other, we only deliver unique solutions. Therefore we don’t propose a catalogue of ready-made proposals or solutions. We are instead ready to discuss with you what are your needs in our areas of expertise, to find out together how we can help you at best. We are sure that this is the best way to generate effective solutions, based on trust and community of values and interests.
ESIndex®, our corporate sustainability assessment tool, is the result of refined and complex calculations developed over years of research and experimentation.
Thanks to the effort undertaken to realize the Index® we know deeply the relationships between its 36 KPIs and we are therefore able to support companies in the implementation of sustainable policies according to the most appropriate priorities for long-term growth, and best uncertainty management in the specific context.
ESIndex® is also designed to foster the parallel development of the company's awareness and autonomy in managing sustainability.
All of whom interact with Exsulting and the Index® acquire new points of view and perspectives that make them autonomous over time.
Our goal is not to be "lifelong consultants" of the company, but to accompany it on its path until it has acquired the stability and security to continue on its own. At that point our involvement will only be periodic (for the Index® certification audit) and the company will be free to manage the processes in complete autonomy.